Specifically designed for mailings with 2,000 pieces and/or up to 4 mailings within 30 days.
Low volume pricing for fully featured Social Mail, meaning it still includes SocialMatch, Informed Delivery, Social and Online Follow-Up, Mail Tracking, and Call Tracking.
For large volume mailings, ranging from under 5,000 to over 1 million mail pieces.
Pricing is based on the number of mail pieces.
You can purchase in per job or in bulk and use across several jobs.
Premium includes SocialMatch, Informed Delivery, Social and Online Follow-Up, Mail Tracking, and Call Tracking.
Optional extension of Mail Tracking, Call Tracking, Online and Social Media Follow-Up, and Social Match past the initial Social Mail campaign.
If you don’t want to continue the fully-featured Social Mail package, you can purchase Call Tracking, the Google Display Network, and Social Media Follow-Up individually.